The Think for Europe Network (TEN) invites applications for expert/s to develop a methodology and support activities for monitoring the implementation of selected policy areas’ actions under the Reform Agendas within the framework of the project “WB Reform and Growth Monitor,” funded by the European Commission.
The project is coordinated by the European Policy Institute (EPI) – Skopje with the overall objective to enable civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Western Balkans (WB) to actively contribute to the design and credible implementation of reforms aligned with the four pillars of the Growth Plan for the WB (Growth Plan). The project seeks to strengthen participatory democracy and EU approximation in the region, focusing on economic reforms and promoting good governance, economic development, and regional cooperation.
Scope of Work:
The selected expert/s will:
– Design and develop a comprehensive monitoring methodology, including data collection tools, reporting templates, and evaluation frameworks, ensuring adaptability to national contexts across the Western Balkans (WB6);
– Incorporate evidence-based approaches and gender-sensitive indicators into the methodology, promoting alignment with EU standards and best practices (e.g., NextGenEU, IPA);
– Support consultations and workshops to present the draft methodology and refine the methodology based on inputs from CSOs, public institutions, and the business sector;
– Provide technical guidance to researchers during the piloting phase, ensuring effective application, testing, and adjustment of the methodology based on data validity, reliability, and consistency;
– Assist in piloting the monitoring methodology, supporting data analysis, validating findings, identifying gaps, and making recommendations for improving implementation and progress tracking;
– Refine the methodology based on feedback and lessons learned during consultations and piloting, ensuring it remains adaptable to different national contexts and policy areas under the Reform Agendas (RAs);
– Prepare and finalize a professionally designed methodology booklet, consolidating tools, templates, and guidelines into a user-friendly resource for CSOs, researchers and stakeholders;
– Support the preparation of bi-annual monitoring reports, providing input and analysis to strengthen reform implementation and regional cooperation efforts.
For more details, please find the Terms of Reference (ToR) attached to this Call.
Applications may be submitted:
• Individually, or
• As part of a team of two experts
The fee for this position is 10,500 EUR gross, covering 30 working days. Payment will be made in three installments, as outlined in the ToR.
Interested applicants should submit their applications to [email protected] no later than February 3, 2025, with the subject line: “Application for expert/s for preparation of RA monitoring methodology.”
• Detailed resume (biography) in English, outlining relevant experience in accordance with the qualifications envisaged in the ToR (for each team member, if applicable).
• Overall work plan, including a division of tasks among members, if applying as a team of experts. The work plan should also include a breakdown of the 30 working days in accordance with the tasks and deliverables specified in the ToR.
• Organization and approach for developing the monitoring methodology (maximum 2 pages).
• Three references to previous work (academic papers, research reports, policy papers, etc.) for each member.
NOTE: For any questions or clarifications regarding this call, applicants may submit inquiries to the same email address ([email protected]) no later than January 15, 2025. Responses to all submitted questions will be published on the official websites of TEN ( and EPI (