The rule of law principle is one of the core values comprising the foundations of the European Union. It entails that all public powers act within the boundaries set by the law, in accordance with the values of democracy and respect for fundamental rights. While candidate countries must comply with this principle and adapt the [...]
This Shadow Report streamlines in a coherent unity all findings, conclusions and recommendations that resulted from monitoring in the areas covered by Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. This is the seventh such report published by the European Policy Institute (EPI) - Skopje, taking into account comments and opinions of non-governmental organizations. The previous [...]
This brief provides an overview of the legal instruments of the EU on transparent and predictable working conditions and a work-life balance with a transposition deadline that expired in August 2022. On 20 June 2019, the European Parliament and the Council adopted two important directives to raise minimum labor standards in the European Union – [...]
When one thought that creativity for yet another regional formation could hardly be fruitful, Albania, North Macedonia, and Serbia joined to announce the Open Balkan Initiative. What distinguishes this initiative from others is that it is home born, created and led by the countries themselves. Given that the OBI operates in tandem with and in [...]
This brief provides a summary of three reports analyzing the independence of the judiciary in the Republic of North Macedonia, and the resulting recommendations to improve the situation. DOWNLOAD PDF
Краток документ во кој се анализира напредокот забележан во институциите кои го сочинуваат правосудниот сектор, како и спроведените мерки и препораки за изготвување на новата стратегија за реформи во правосудниот сектор во однос на граѓанското законодавство. DOWNLOAD PDF
Краток документ кој произлезе од дискусијата на фокус групата за методологијата за оценување на судиите организирана од Блупринт групата за реформа на правосудството. DOWNLOAD PDF
What are the key challenges in the human rights area? Are the Western Balkans’countries advancing in this area? What can be improved? We talked about these topics with Tobias Flessenkemper, head of the Council of Europe office in Belgrade. His previous postings include the European External Action Service (EEAS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Council […]
The government’s plans and priorities, after the bilateral screening, as well as the monitoring plans of CSOs in this direction were discussed today by relevant state actors, responsible for various aspects of human rights, involved in the process of the country’s accession to the EU and CSOs working on the rule of law and human […]
This brief provides insight into the latest legal and policy framework on combating hate speech, especially concerning hate speech online, in the European Union and Croatia, the newest member state. It is focusing on the human rights approach to combat hate speech and promote freedom of expression, bringing some concerns and possible future solutions based [...]