A professional, impartial, and effective public administration is key to the functioning of every democratic society. Therefore, it is very important to recruit educated and skilled professionals who are selected based on their qualities rather than their political affiliation. Recruitments, promotions, and dismissals of civil servants based on merit encourage candidates to apply for job [...]
A key challenge for the country will be perseverance and determination – regardless of changes in government, to continue the reform process. The Reform Agenda is a good example of this, but its implementation remains. This was one of the key messages from today’s panel discussion “Strengthened cooperation in the EU integration process through the […]
On 5th and 6th of November we organized the regional meeting on public administration reform (PAR) as part of the Western Balkan Enablers for Reforming Public Administrations (WeBER 3.0) project, implemented by the Think for Europe Network. The WeBER Platform members from the Western Balkans have met in person and discussed public administration reform on […]
How do the countries in the EU’s Enlargement process compare with each other regarding the progress in the latest European Commission’s Country Reports? We prepared infographics comparing the progress evaluation by the EC. Take a look at the progress of North Macedonia in the cluster “Fundamentals” as well as the other clusters as defined in [...]
How do the countries in the EU’s Enlargement process compare with each other regarding the preparedness in the latest European Commission’s Country Reports? We prepared infographics comparing the preparedness evaluation by the EC. Take a look at the preparedness of North Macedonia in the cluster “Fundamentals” as well as the other clusters as defined in [...]
This brief summarises the key developments in relation to the rule of law in view of EU accession in North Macedonia for the period July–September 2024. It includes the monitoring of the fundamentals of EU accession, including key developments in the functioning of democratic institutions, public administration reform, and Chapter 23: Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. [...]
Новиот извештај на Европската комисија за Северна Македонија покажува дека земјата останува умерено подготвена, со мали подобрувања во три поглавја, но и напредок само во три поглавја, додека се забележуваат мали поместувања и стагнација во останатите. Се истакнува дека Северна Македонија останува насочена кон ЕУ, но дека недостигаат реформи, како и предизвици во судството и [...]
Компаративна подготвеност
This policy brief summarizes the findings from the deliberative poll, providing a comprehensive view of how public opinion evolves when citizens engage in informed discussions on complex foreign policy topics. Based on these insights, the brief offers actionable recommendations aimed at both aligning North Macedonia’s international strategies with public views and fostering a deeper understanding [...]