This analysis is based on the contribution and findings of the separate country analyses made by the project partners, produced within the BENCHER project. In order to produce this report, we have also analyzed the documents contained in the enlargement package of DG Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations and conducted a thematic analysis of the statements [...]
Serbia received the European Commission’s annual report as a country negotiating the EU accession (since 2014), with four chapters of the acquis communautaire already open, and two more under preparation for opening at the time. In general terms, the Commission’s tone was “between positive and neutral,” and, despite the anticipation resulting from the changes in [...]
Montenegro started the EU accession negotiations in 2012, with a total number of 28 chapters opened thus far, out of which three are provisionally closed. According to the European Commission’s grading system, Montenegro made some progress in the area of rule of law, more specifically in fight against corruption and organised crime. Montenegro is considered [...]
The country report (2016) and the Enlargement Strategy (2016) highlight and welcome the entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) on 1st April 2016. This step shows a continued commitment on both sides to foster EU related reforms and thus pave Kosovo’s way to joining the EU. Though, Kosovo remains the only [...]
2016 marked waking up from an almost decade long slumber in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s path to the European Union. With the new EU approach from December 2014,1 the focus was shifted to addressing urgent socio-economic reforms. In 2015, BiH returned to the road of reforms, leading to the submission of Application for EU membership in [...]
The 2016 European Commission’s report on Albania could be considered as one the most important reports since the European Union granted the country the candidate status in 2014. For the first time, the Commission recommended the opening of accession negotiations with Albania, subject to credible and concrete progress in the implementation of a justice reform [...]
Since the publishing of the last European Commission (EC) country report for Macedonia, in which it was portrayed as a captured state, a lot of things have changed in the country. Thus, this analysis covers the events that have taken place during three periods: the findings of the EC in the period up to November [...]
Comparative infographic with the results of the country analysis of the Western Balkan countries. DOWNLOAD PDF
Овој документ е резиме на двете теми кои ќе бидат дискутирани на дебатниот настан. Тој: 1. понудува информации за Европската Унија; 2. дава информации на двете теми: демократските и економските реформи во Македонија; 3. нуди неколку можни пристапи кон политиките во врска со двете теми и ги изложува предизвиците и можностите по однос на пристапувањето [...]
Овој мониторинг извештај е базиран на итните реформски приоритети, од јуни 2015 година, во делот на владеењето на правото и судството – сектор правосудство (кои за основа го имаат Извештајот на експертската група, предводена од Рајхард Прибе, од 2015 година), и на Вториот извештај на Прибе, од септември 2017 година. Прибирањето на податоците за овој [...]