This Shadow Report streamlines in a coherent unity all findings, conclusions and recommendations deriving from monitoring the areas covered by Chapter 23 -Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. This is the fifth Shadow Report published by the European Policy Institute-Skopje (EPI) while taking into consideration the comments and opinions of the 23 Network members. The previous four [...]
This Report has been developed under the Project Network 23- Networking for Impact (NETWIT 23), implemented by the European Policy Institute (EPI), Skopje and the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, funded by the Balkan Trust for Democracy and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade. This Report streamlines in a coherent unity all findings, conclusions and [...]
This report unifies all the findings, conclusions and recommendations that resulted from the monitoring of the areas structured in Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights into a single coherent entirety. In fact, this is the third Shadow Report published by “Network 23”. The previous two cover the periods of October 2014-July 2015 and July [...]
This report is a sublimate of the conclusions and recommendations drafted on the basis of the monitoring of the areas structured in Chapter 23. The report was drafted during a period of deep political crisis, which resulted from the unsuccessful implementation of the Przino Agreement, as well as the failure to effectuate its main provisions, [...]
This analysis is one of the key results of the Network 23 project. In fact, it is the first “shadow report” of the Macedonian civil organizations about the state of affairs in the areas covered within Chapter 23 from the EU accession - Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. The Analysis follows the structure of Chapter 23 [...]