Kick-off meeting of the project “Strengthening Consumer Protection Organisations for better Municipal Services in SEE”

Feb 22, 2015




The Kick-off meeting of the project “Strengthening Consumer Protection Organisations for better Municipal Services in SEE” took place in Belgrade on February 18th 2015. Ardita Abazi Imer, Program Coordinator for sectoral policies from EPi participated at the event.
The project is funded by the German Organization for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) – GIZ, through Open Regional Fund for Modernization of municipal services and is implemented by Think for Europe Network (TEN).
Main goal of the project is to strengthen the capacities of consumer protection and bodies of local and national level in Southeast Europe, particularly in the context of European integration. The project is expected to improve the protection of the interests of consumers and increase mutual trust between users and service providers and thereby contribute to the quality of services. Although the countries of Southeast Europe have already adopted legal provisions to protect consumers, the level of awareness of consumer rights is low, particularly in relation to the rights they have and the services provided by utility companies established by local government units.

Organizations for consumers protection from all three countries (TEN – countries), will be involved in the implementation of the project, while the project envisages gradual and organizations for the protection of consumers from other countries in the region.

The project will achieve the following results: 1) organizations for consumer protection, will develop a position on the challenges related to the rights of consumers of municipal services, 2) consumer organizations will strengthen their capacity to raise awareness and improve the level of information of their target groups, 3) potential initiatives for cooperation will be identified  between consumer organizations with other stakeholders at regional and national level.




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