National EU Debate

Accession monitoring and advocacy: National EU Debate

The European Policy Institute – EPI (Skopje) in July 2016 started implementing the project “National EU Debate”. This project is financed from a Civica Mobilitas program, and will be implemented in a duration of 18 months.

In an absence of a national debate for the European Union, the project will initiate an inclusive dialogue with a broad range of stakeholders for the accession process of the Republic of Macedonia in the EU. This project will provide a model for consulting and informing a wide audience and experts, which will contribute for overcoming the chronic lack of consultation and debate, as well as providing a firm ground for an evidence based debate for issues regarding the EU.

The project envisions to include not only the expert, but also the wide public in an innovative deliberative polling, aiming to contribute for a better understanding about the gains and losses for the Republic of Macedonia in the process of accession in the EU. The project is expected to broaden the cooperation between the CSO’s and administration in the creation of public policies, taking the problems, needs and priorities into the citizens into account.

Post by epiadmin

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