Make Future Together: EU and the Western Balkans from the Youth Perspective
The project “Make Future Together: EU and the Western Balkans from the Youth Perspective” directly contributes to inclusive and participatory policy making at the EU level by allowing WB and EU citizens citizens to share their views on how to address transnational issues of common interest.
The project is consisted of several interconnected activities. Eight virtual events take place in each Western Balkans (WB) country, Poland and Italy in world café method followed by panel discussion with on-line engagement.
In parallel, the online consultation platform allows for active engagement of young people on topics concerning the European future and a unique contribution coming from the WB countries.
Drawing on the results from the virtual public events and the inputs from the online consultation platform the project partners will write final policy paper with policy proposals by the WB countries and EU member states youth involved in this project to the scenarios on the future of Europe.
The last event will take place in Brussels in a form of conference where the policy paper will be presented to relevant stakeholders and EU officials.
The project is implemented in partnership with all 6 Members of the Think for Europe – TEN Network (including the European Policy Centre – CEP Belgrade, the Institute for Democracy and Mediation – IDM Tirana, Institute Alternative – IA Podgorica, the Foreign Policy Initiative – FPI Sarajevo, the Group for Legal and Political Studies – GLPS Pristina, and the European Policy Institute – EPI Skopje) coordinated by the European Policy Centre – CEP as well as organisation from EU member states: the European Policy Centre – EPC Brussels, Institute for International Affairs – Rome and The Bronislaw Geremek Foundation – Warsaw.
Duration: 2nd of March 2020 to 31st of August 2021 (the project lunch was postponed to 1st of September 2020 due to COVID-19)
Budget: EUR 143.640