Network 23 +

Democracy and Rule of Law: Network 23 +

Network 23 +

The European Policy Institute (EPI) – Skopje as a lead, in partnership with the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia (MHC), on 1st of January 2016 started the implementation of the project “Network 23 +”.Associates to the project are: Centre for Policy Modernisation Foundation – Sofia, GONG – Croatia, European Policy Centre – Belgrade and Institute Alternativa – Podgorica. The project will be implemented during the course of two years and is financed by the EU under IPA Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2014.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Strengthening the capacity of CSOs for evidence-based policy making, advocacy and networking in the areas covered by Chapter 23 on national and local level;
  • Structured evidence-based advocacy, including shadow reporting, for participatory decision-making and CSOs influence in the areas covered by Chapter 23, and
  • Engaging citizens in reform processes in Chapter 23.
  • specific objective is to contribute towards embedding of rule of law principles, mirrored through Chapter 23, in the Republic of Macedonia through a structured input of the Network 23+.

Activities are divided into three clusters (EDI): Engage, Deliver and Impact. In order to expend the Network and its influence over national decision-makers, the project includes a re-granting scheme and capacity building of civil society organizations. This will be the second re-granting scheme to be implemented by EPI. Within the project, two shadow reports on Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, two policy briefs and monthly monitoring briefs will be delivered. Advocacy activities include cooperation with national institutions, policy dialogues and conference that are expected to have wider impact on selected stakeholders, as well as presentation of the main findings of the shadow reports in Brussels and initiation of consultations both with EU Delegation and DG NEAR. Special focus will be invested on activities for targeting media, including social media, and engaging citizens.

Estimated results of the project are:

  • Increased CSOs capacity for evidence-based policy research, monitoring, evaluation, advocacy and networking in areas under Chapter 23;
  • Contribution to improved participatory decision-making through providing shadow reporting and policy options of Network 23;
  • Increased engagement of citizens, through CSOs activities, in the reform processes in the area of judiciary and fundamental rights.
Post by epiadmin

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