IPA monitoring: IPADATA

Under this project a web-based tool for monitoring of IPA funds was created, including data visualization. The project has raised awareness among the wider public and interested stakeholders on the absorption of IPA. The database has provided interested stakeholders with a tool for engaging with policies both at local and national level. It also facilitates independent research related to the EU funds.

IPADATA enables download of all data in an open format, thus making a wide range of information accessible to the public. It is an innovative platform for analysis of EU funds, including several layers of parameters which can be applied for research. Moreover, national contributions (both from the Budget and contribution from the end users) have been incorporated to provide clearer picture on the financial construction of the overall project budget. Projects are systematically referenced to the level of priority axis and the appropriate measure as defined by each Operational Program for all five IPA components which provide for exact information which areas are targeted.

Until now, the analysis of EU funds focused mainly on the level of absorption; however, with IPADATA interested parties can perform in-depth research by producing information on the content of the financed projects, alignment with national and EU reform priorities, horizontal qualitative and quantitative analysis on funds utilization.

Analysis of the information on the use of IPA funds in Macedonia was prepared in Macedonian, Albanian and English, available at the following link: http://epi.org.mk/docs/analiza_za_iskoristuvanjeto_na_sredstvata_od_ipa.pdf

Post by epiadmin

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