Report from the first annual survey on measuring the satisfaction of court users
This report presents the results of the survey of citizens filing lawsuits in the mentioned courts, implemented in December 2019; as well as from the survey of legal professionals (judges, court clerks, lawyers and prosecutors) implemented in February 2020. The starting point in the design of the sample was the number of cases in 2018, with the objective to survey one respondent per every 600 cases in those courts. Judges surveyed represented 20% of the judges in the targeted courts, while the surveyed attorneys represented 5% of the attorneys in the jurisdiction of the mentioned courts.
A total of 415 citizens – parties in a dispute were surveyed, as well as 41 judges, 73 court clerks and 94 lawyers, i.e. more than planned, since 356 citizens, 36 judges, 71 court clerks and 92 lawyers were needed for the sample. Only with regard to prosecutors the number was lower compared to the number planed, i.e. 29 prosecutors were surveyed, instead of 30, which was the original plan.
After conducting logical control and in order to preserve the ethnic representation of the respondents in the survey, some respondents from more represented nationalities were excluded in line with the sample planned. Hence, the results presented in this document include the responses of 385 respondents.