RRPP: Performance Audit and Policy Evaluation: On the Same or Parallel Tracks?

EU Acquis and sectoral policies: RRPP: Performance Audit and Policy Evaluation: On the Same or Parallel Tracks?

Involved Countries: Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro.

Involved Institutions: 1. European Policy Centre (CEP) 2. European Policy Institute (EPI)  3. Institute Alternativa (IA) Project Coordinator: Milena Lazarevic Contact:

[email protected]

Web: http://www.rrpp-westernbalkans.net

Short Description:  This research aims to analyse the relationship between performance audit and policy evaluation, draw conclusions on their complementarity and the opportunities of using audit findings for strengthening policy evaluation. Consequently it aims to advance the quality of policy making in Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro.

Main Objectives:

• To undertake analysis of the relationship between performance audit and policy evaluation; • To provide recommendations for introduction of efficient and effective evaluation system incorporating performance audit results. It thus seeks to contribute to the promotion of good governance principles of accountability, rule of law, effectiveness and efficiency, transparency, and responsiveness.

Expected Outputs:

• Publication of the proceedings and promotion at high level regional conference; • Comprehensive comparative study on the link between performance audit and evaluation, covering EU case-study countries and the three selected cases;  • Three policy briefs (in the local languages); • Promotional video; • Regional conference (September 2015, Belgrade); • Presentations/lectures at universities, as well as other academic venues.

Duration: 12 months

Value: 125,775 CHF

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