RRPP: Centre for Excellence in Policymaking Systems of Western Balkans (CEPS WeB)
EU Acquis and sectoral policies: RRPP: Centre for Excellence in Policymaking Systems of Western Balkans (CEPS WeB)
European Policy Institute (EPI) participates in a project for establishing a Centre for Excellence in Policymaking Systems of Western Balkans (CEPS WeB). The Centre will provide a platform for joining of expertise and analytical capacities of the Think for Europe Network (TEN) members.
The aim of the Centre is to provide quality regional research, which would give a foundation for evidence based regional or national public policies. This would create a unified dialogue with the government institutions in the region, as well as coordinated approach to other regional and international stakeholders.
The organization model of CEPS WeB would be developed through interactive workshops with the network of organizations, including implementing the best practices from existing regional and European centers.
The project is financed from The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, as part of the Regional Research Promotion Program for Western Balkans.