IPA monitoring: IPA PRAG II

An informal network of think tanks and CSOs initiated a proposal to the Secretariat for European Affairs for structured involvement of CSOs in the IPA Programming process. The Network is composed of: Ekosvet, the European Policy Institute (EPI) – Skopje, Analytica, Macedonian Center for European Training, Center for Civic Communications, Association Zenith, Front 24/12 and Reactor.

Subsequently, the informal network led by Ekosvest submitted a project-proposal IPA-Minding Network to the USAID call for proposals. The project’s duration is six months (January – June 2014).

The task of the Network within the project was to organize a forum to consult credible CSOs active in their respective fields on the contents of the draft Country Strategy Paper on IPA for 2014-2020 (CSP). This forum took place on 27-28 February 2014 in Ohrid where 112 CSO representatives had the opportunity to express their views. The concept of the forum was a plenary session, followed by 7 separate workshops. EPI was in charge of sectoral policy V. Competitiveness and innovation. 13 participants from the civil society sector (nation-wide) attended this particular workshop.

All produced materials can be directly accessed on the web-site of the Network’s team leader Ekosves:



Post by epiadmin

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