
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration From To
2023 FRANET – Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU The European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) has chosen the European Policy Institute – Skopje (EPI) as its partner from North Macedonia to conduct research on issues of its competence. FRA is one of the decentralized agencies of the European Union and is the center of expertise for fundamental rights of the European Union. With this, EPI is continuing to be part of the FRANET – multidisciplinary research network of the Agency that exists since 2011, which includes one research partner or consortium from each member state of the European Union, and North Macedonia since 2018. FRANET produces thematic studies, reports and brief notices on various issues related to fundamental rights. Max: 220000 EUR 08-05-2023 08-05-2026
2023 Joint Action for Human Rights European Union The overall objective of the project is to advance the promotion and protection of human rights in North Macedonia by supporting parliamentary and CSO engagement in the area.



  1. Providing structured monitoring and contribution for human rights commitments by Parliament and CSOs;
  2. Increasing and building professional capacities of the main Parliament bodies and key CSOs dealing with various human rights, jointly in consultations with the key executive institutions;
  3. Raising awareness among public policy makers, parliament, CSOs and citizens of the importance of protecting human rights, in line with national, European and international obligations.
220418 EUR 01-02-2023 31-07-2025
2023 Support to the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) in its efforts to contribute to the Public Administration Reform under the EU integration process in the Western Balkans Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) The overall objective of the action is to support the public administrations of the Western Balkan to provide better services for citizens and businesses. The specific objective aims to improve the implementation of the key horizontal public administration reform fields identified in the national PAR strategies. 16370 EUR 10-01-2023 15-03-2023
2023 Western Balkan Enablers for Reforming Public Administrations – WeBER 3.0 European Union WeBER 3.0 directly contributes to strengthening of participatory democracy by enabling effective participation of CSOs from the WB and supporting inclusive citizens’ engagement in monitoring the results of PAR processes at all levels, in line with the EU requirements (SIGMA/OECD Principles). WeBER 3.0 features the crucial role of civil society in building healthy democracies through empowering CSOs to become reliable partner to governments in the EU accession process. By ensuring continuity in assessment of the progress of the reforms carried out by local civil society actors, WeBER 3.0 and its cornerstone product, the Western Balkan PAR Monitor 2024/2025, will continue to guide the governments in the region towards successful EU accession and membership. CSOs equipped with evidence and knowledge take up central place in the region’s EU path and ensure that the governments do not exercise reform processes to only qualify for the EU membership, but to improve the citizens’ lives. 1.300.000 EUR 01-02-2023 31-07-2026
2023 WeBER Plus Smart Balkans – Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans The overall goal of the project is to further empower civil society organisations in the Western Balkans to engage in the design and implementation of public administration reform in line with the requirements in the EU accession process. 218637 NOK 01-01-2023 30-09-2024
2023 Building bridges for a common future: Rule of law in view of EU accession European Union The framework partnership supports EPI’s annual work programme in relation to the rule of law in view of EU accession. 68297 EUR 01-01-2023 31-12-2025
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration From To
2022 Fostering Policy Analysis and Public Debate 3.0 National Endowment for Democracy The project aims to strengthen the culture of informed public debate in the Republic of North Macedonia through deliberation on emerging and intertwined issues–security, defense, economic stability, and EU integration. The project is a follow-up of our previous successful organization of deliberative polling events in the country and our ongoing project, both supported by NED and in cooperation with the Centre for Deliberative Democracy from Stanford University. 11000 USD 01-10-2022 30-09-2024
2022 Strengthening the Delivery of Social Protection through Social Accountability, with a focus on Marginalized Groups, including the Roma and Returnees World Bank The main objective of this task is to develop and implement a social accountability process that identifies and documents how the 2019 social assistance reform is reaching vulnerable and marginalized groups, including Roma and returnees, and responding to their evolving needs. 93545 USD 30-09-2022 30-09-2024
2022 Support for further development of the model of the Western Balkans staged accession to the European Union Open Society Foundation This project aims to support further and comprehensive analytical work on the detailed development of the staged accession model co-designed by CEP Belgrade and CEPS Brussels. 150000 USD 01-09-2022 31-05-2023
2022 For justice – civil contribution to the advancement of the judiciary Foundation Open Society – Macedonia The general goal of the project is to increase the influence of civil society organizations in the judiciary reform process as a prerequisite for the protection of human rights and ensuring social justice. 44997 USD 01-06-2022 31-12-2022
2022 Energy Security of Western Balkans Six BPRG Regional project that aims to deliver a comprehensive analysis about Energy Security of the Western Balkans Six countries. 2500 EUR 31-05-2022 30-10-2022
2022 From responsibility to accountability: Corporate social responsibility disclosure as a mean for engaged private sector Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) Тhe research project aims to assess if the regulatory framework on corporate sustainability disclosure in North Macedonia is aligned with the European Union requirements and to identify sustainability actions and reporting practices among companies listed at Macedonian Stock Exchange. 2500 EUR 16-04-2022 10-06-2022
2022 What is at stake for the Western Balkans: Existing and new EU enlargement instruments European Union The project supports the Think for Europe Network in its advocacy to engage in discussions with EU institutions on the future of the EU enlargement policy as well as the future of the EU with the Western Balkans as an integral part of the Union. 10329 EUR 06-04-2022 15-05-2022
2022 Advancing fundamental rights in view of EU accession in North Macedonia Civil Rights Defenders The proposed project combines three results which include 1) joint work of CSOs and public institutions in evidence based monitoring of fundamental rights in view of EU accession, 2) increased capacities of CSOs and public institutions on regional and EU best practices and 3) increased public policy advocacy by CSOs on fundamental rights. 220000 SEK 01-04-2022 31-12-2022
2022 Building bridges for a common future: Rule of law in view of EU accession European Union The overall objective of the project is to contribute to sustainable rule of law reforms in view of the EU accession. 68297 EUR 01-01-2022 31-12-2022
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration From To
2021 Provide support for identifying and activating national stakeholders in resource partnerships with USAID Strategic development consulting Identification and activation of national stakeholders in resource partnerships with USAID in order to achieve the development goal of reducing corruption in the country within the USAID Development and Cooperation Strategy with North Macedonia 2021-2025. 546000 MKD 08-10-2021 31-05-2022
2021 Implementation of activities within the project RECOM Reconciliation Network Humanitarian Law Center EPI as a partner organization of the project RECOM Reconciliation Network took part in the implementation of the sub granting program. 3471 EUR 10-09-2021 31-10-2022
2021 IRIS NETWORKing – CSOs for protection sensitive migration management Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Consultancy on the Evaluation of the Action 4000 EUR 01-09-2021 31-10-2021
2021 Independent Context Watch for the Needs of Monitoring of the Swiss Cooperation Programme in North Macedonia 2021-2024 Embassy of Switzerland in North Macedonia / Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) The European Policy Institute (EPI) – Skopje was selected to make an independent context watch for the needs of the Monitoring of the Swiss Cooperation Programme in North Macedonia. 913.334 MKD 29-06-2021 30-09-2021
2021 Support for the implementation of
National Reintegration Strategies
The World Bank To enhance the capacity of the Western Balkan Beneficiaries at the central and local levels to implement successful returnee reintegration policies and respond effectively to the needs of vulnerable returnees. 7900 USD 07-05-2021 30-06-2021
2021 Western Balkan Civil Society Empowerment for a Reformed Public Administration – WeBER 2.0 Balkan Civil Society Development Network The project will contribute to paving the way for two critical components of meaningful policy involvement for CSOs: structural dialogue with governments, and a sound evidence basis for engagement. It addresses the challenge of insufficient local demand for PAR, which remains a rather externally (EU and SIGMA) driven reform. The project responds to the challenge by involving CSOs in the PAR dialogue and by recognizing it as a crucial factor for avoiding further backsliding in governance and rule of law reforms in the pre and post accession context. 7073 EUR 01-02-2021 31-07-2021
2021 NDS Stakeholder Mapping, Structuring & Monitoring United Nations Development Programme Stakeholder mapping and engagement; Establishing a Cross-Sectoral Operational Structure; and Outlining Implementation and Monitoring Mechanisms for the National Development Strategy 2021-2024 487.104 MKD 24-03-2021 23-04-2021
2021 Campaign for advocacy and lobbying “Clean it up” British Embassy – Skopje The campaign for advocacy and lobbying “Clean it up” aims to raise citizens’ awareness and increase the impact in public policy adoption and change. The campaign focuses on the need for sustainable water management and more effective inspections against the overuse of natural resources. 4500 EUR 01-01-2021 31-12-2021
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration From To
2020 Fostering Political Pluralism and Democratic Values National Endowement for Democracy To foster political pluralism and promote constructive debate on key issues of national interest. The European Policy Institute (EPI) will use renewed Endowment support to continue fostering political pluralism and promoting constructive debate on the country’s future. Through public debates on key issues of national interest, the nonpartisan think tank will foster informed discussion, independent and critical thinking, and political pluralism among citizens. Citizens, experts, and policymakers from across the political and ethnic spectrum will participate in the program. 110000 EUR 01-10-2020 30-09-2022
2020 Mediate, do not hesitate Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Skopje/ To contribute to increasing the overall usage rate of the mediation as an alternative dispute resolution.

1. Providing evidence based input on mediation as a tool for alternative dispute resolution in North Macedonia;
2. Strengthening of the capacities of mediators, judges and the Chamber of Mediators;
3. Enabling a mechanism for dialogue and cooperation between the most relevant stakeholders in the area of mediation;

8089384 MKD 01-09-2020 31-08-2022
2020 Preparing a Shadow Report for Chapters 19 and 24 on North Macedonia La Strada Preparation of a Shadow Report for Chapters 19 and 24 on North Macedonia. The shadow report aims to provide insight into the policies for providing social services to migrants in the relevant policies: inclusive education, social inclusion, labor market inclusion, etc. 2000 EUR 15-08-2020 15-10-2020
2020 For justice – Monitoring the implementation of the Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector Fondation Open Society – Macedonia Increased participation of civil society organizations in the process of monitoring and advocating for judicial reform in the Republic of North Macedonia in the process of accession to the European Union. Short – term goals:
1. Supporting the reform processes and policies in the judiciary by establishing a structured dialogue with civil society organizations at the beginning of the negotiation process with the European Union;
2. Further monitoring of the quality of the implementation of the Strategy for Reform of the First Judicial Sector (2017-2022) in terms of compliance with the time frame set by the Action Plan, transparency of the process, as well as the quality of proposed and adopted laws and policies within the Strategy ;
3. Providing information and cooperation with the media for continuous information of the public and the citizens about the progress of North Macedonia in the field of justice.
44980 USD 01-05-2020 31-12-2020
2020 Make Future Together: EU and the Western Balkans from the Youth Perspective European Commission This project directly contributes to inclusive and participatory policy making at the EU level by bringing citizens’ input into the formulation and redefinition of EU’s enlargememtn policy to the Western Balkans (WB). The project will seek to shed light both to the EU citizens and the WB, with particular focus on youth, on common challenges by: addressing transnational issues of common interest and concern such as climate change, security, peace, environment, economic opportunities, promoting intercultural dialogue, and raising awareness on common heritage. This project will contribute the achievement of specific objective concerning encouragement if democratic and civic participation of youth, by developing citizens’ understaning of the policy making process. 143640 EUR 09-03-2020 /
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration From To
2019 Western Balkan Civil Society Empowerment for a Reformed Public Administration European Commission The impact that WeBER 2.0 intends to create is an empowered civil society, armed with knowledge, skills and tools to monitor PAR and hold their national and local governments to account for the quality of policies they develop, services they provide and the overall management of the state and local governments and administrations. 1451724 EUR 24-12-2019 24-12-2022
2019 “Partnership Justitia – incorporation of European standards into the judicial system” Government of Republic of North Macedonia Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations and stakeholders in the justice sector to participate in the process of judicial reform through exchange of experiences, including transfering the best EU practices; 2. Support and promoting an essential dialog for the justice sector reforms among the civil society organizations, the stakeholders and the citizens, through public policy advocacy. 599138 MKD 18-10-2019 17-06-2020
2019 Fostering Political Pluralism and Democratic Values National Endowement for Democracy The project aims to further foster citizens’ participation in developing and advancing the country’s democratic and reform processes. The project is foreseen as a follow up of the ongoing NED project of EPI in partnership with Stanford University called “ACT – Active Citizenship Action”. Building on the findings of the ongoing project, and through more in-depth examination of factors that impede or facilitate democratic consolation, ACTED will enable citizens to further elaborate their stances on specific topics and contribute to strengthening the country’s reform processes. Additionally, the activities and the goals are set to enable the citizens’ inclusive participation through the envisaged Policy Dialogue events that open the opportunity for the citizens to discuss their views, thoughts and proposals the direction that the country should take for advancing the current situation. 49000 USD 01-10-2019 30-09-2020
2019 “For justice – Monitoring the implementation of the Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector (2017 – 2022)” Foundation Open Society – Macedonia The main goal of the project “For justice – Monitoring the implementation of the Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector (2017-2022)” is to increase the impact made by the Civil society organizations on the proccess of implementing the Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector (2017-2022) and strenghtening the independence and impartiality of the judiciary. 2160 USD 01-07-2019 29-02-2020
2019 Civil Society Support Facility – CSSF Macedonia Civica Mobilitas – MCIC Institutinal grant from the Civica Mobilitas program. 2933841 MKD 01-07-2019 30-06-2021
2019 Evaluating effectiveness of Independend National Human Rights Bodies Civil Rights Defenders The purpose of the assignment is to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of national human rights bodies in the Western Balkan countries and their alignment with international standards. Working in collaboration with Civil Rights Defenders, the expert/experts should develop a comprehensive methodology that will enable evaluating the existence of conditions which are necessary for national human rights bodies to fulfill their mission, as well as to evaluate their effectiveness. 13160 EUR 01-07-2019 10-11-2019
2019 Strengthening the capacity of civil society to participate in the legislative process National Democratic Institute – NDI The goal of the action “Reintegration through equitable access to rights” implemented by EPI with support from NDI is to enable sustainable reintegration of returnees. This initiative is being implemented to improve the quality of life of vulnerable returnees, to contribute to EU accession through further policy reforms in Chapters 23 and 24, and to improve the legal framework related to readmission agreements and returnees. 267990 MKD 10-05-2019 30-09-2020
2019 Creation of a strategic plan in support of the effective reintegration of returnees to Macedonia World Bank EPI assisted the Government of Macedonia to provide technical support to the MoLSP in the development of a state-level “Strategy for returning Macedonian citizens who are in accordance with European Union readmission agreements and an Action Plan for 2019-2023”. 10800 EUR 13-02-2019 30-05-2019
2019 Europeanization Beyond Process – Think for Europe Network Open Society Initiative for Europe The “Think for Europe” Network of Think Tanks and EU Policy Research Centres in South East Europe (TEN) plans to use this grant with the aim to improve the quality of communication on the EU enlargement in the broader framework of the forthcoming re-definition of the EU and its future, by strengthening the cooperation with the renowned think tanks across Europe. This project also aims to promote the reconciliation of the Western Balkans (WB) countries and contribute to the WB integration into EU. 10100 USD 01-01-2019 31-12-2020
2019 European integration of the WB: making a realistic perspective out of a shifting target Western Balkan Fund Duration This project aims to assess the impact of 2019 events, (Brexit, EU elections) over integration perspective of the WB countries and contribute to the process positively. The project will gather three organizations with experience in EU integration research and produce 3 policy briefs that will carefully and concisely asses the current situation in light of the recent challenges. They will monitor the elections in May 2019 and also the narrative around the final steps of Brexit. The recommendations will be published in order to limit and mitigate the eventual negative impact of these events. 3300 EUR 01-05-2019 30-01-2020
2019 European Commission’s network on non-discrimination and gender equality Human European Consultancy This network monitors the transposition of EU acquis on non-discrimination and gender equality at the national level in all EU members states, the EFTA countries and in the candidate countries. It also provides independent advice to the European Commission on matters within its scope of work. 13160 EUR 01-01-2019 31-12-2019
2019 Europeanization Beyond Process Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE) of the Open Society Foundations, administered by OSF Services Berlin GmbH (“OSF Services Berlin”) The purpose of the grant is to help European Policy Institute – Skopje (EPI) connect its research and advocacy on Europeanization at the national scene with EU discourses, build a sustainable agenda on EU integration at the national level, and develop new narratives on enlargement in Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, and the Netherlands. 191592 USD 15-01-2019 15-01-2021
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration
2018 Partnership Justitia: Regaining Citizens’ Trust Central Financing and Contracting Department Ministry of Finance – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) 2014 To contribute to regaining citizens’ trust in Macedonia’s justice sector by meaningful civil society involvement in substantive reforms. 219804,18 EUR 21-12-2018 20-6-2021
2018 FRANET – Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU The European Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) has chosen the European Policy Institute – Skopje (EPI) as its partner from Macedonia to conduct research on issues of its competence. FRA is one of the decentralized agencies of the European Union and is the center of expertise for fundamental rights of the European Union. With this, EPI is becoming part of the FRANET – multidisciplinary research network of the Agency that exists since 2011, which includes one research partner or consortium from each member state of the European Union, which has in 2018 in Macedonia. FRANET produces thematic studies, reports and brief notices on various issues related to fundamental rights. Max: 250000 EUR 04-12-2018 04-12-2020
2018 Mapping of vulnerabilities: Who are the returnees and to what extent their needs differ from those of the “regular” population? World Bank The main goal of the project was to explore additional aspects of the vulnerability of returnees in terms of what difficulties and challenges they face after returning in Republic of Macedonia, and also their plans for the future. In addition to returnees from the Roma ethnic community, the focus was on returnees from the Albanian ethnic community.

This research included conducting Focus Groups with returnees, interviews with representatives from international and national organizations and representatives from the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

6450 USD 01-02-18 31-05-18
2018 Engaging the private sector in entrepreneurship education Center for International Private Entrepreneurship (CIPE) The objective of the project “Engaging the private sector in education for entrepreneurship” is to increase the capacities of young people in Macedonia to engage in entrepreneurship, increase private sector participation in entrepreneurship education, and increase support for policies that improve them economic conditions for young people from the country.

Within the project, research study is being conducted on the opportunities and barriers for entrepreneurship, employment in the private sector, including the financing of new businesses. Also, the podcast “Skills that pay the bills” is prepared, educational program, awareness raising campaign and advocacy and research on employment opportunities.

This project is implemented in partnership with the Youth Educational Forum (YEF) with the support of the Center for International Private Entrepreneurship (CIPE)

21111,34 USD 01-7-2018 30-6-2019
2018 National Democratic Debate – Fostering Successful Democratic Transition in Macedonia National Endowement for Democracy The overall objective of the project is enabling for national democratic debate, thus fostering value-based democratic consolidation in Macedonia. The specific objectives are as follows:
SO1: Increasing the involvement of all political stakeholders in the country democratization processes through a representative sample in an innovative public debate through deliberative polling on the state of democracy in the country;
SO2: Analyzing whether a public, all-inclusive discussion contributes towards changes of citizens’ perceptions and opinions on democracy; and
SO3: Raising awareness of all political stakeholders in the process (citizens, experts, politicians) for the importance of public, inclusive and objective discussion on the state and direction of democracy in the country.
61435 USD 10-01-18 10-01-19
2018 Civic Debate on NATO Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Macedonia The project is aimed at promoting citizen engagement and understanding of NATO integration. 399010 МКД 08-01-18 12-31-18
2018 Network 23 – Networking for impact (NETWIT 23) Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) / Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade The overall goal of the proposed action is to contribute to an increased influence of the civil society on creating public policies in the area of Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental rights in the context of EU accession. To achieve the above, the project has three specific objectives:
SO 1: Increase CSO’ capacities for networking in the areas covered by Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights,
SO 2: Enrich the contribution of CSOs to public policies under Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights through improved evidence-based monitoring and policy proposals,
SO 3: Enhance CSO’s dialogue with the institutions in improving public policies under Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights
41682 EUR 05-15-18 05-15-19
2018 Regulatory Impact Assessment on the Law on Courts Institute for Democracy Societas Civilis The aim of this project is to enhance the application of the regulatory impact assessment (RIA) of the laws arising from the judiciary reform in Macedonia. Additionally, the aim is to recognise usefulness of the RIA tool in the decision-making process and to improve the quality of the decision-making process based on evidence and research. 9991 EUR 01-01-18 12-31-18
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration
2017 Social Rights for Vulnerable Groups (SoRi) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH The aim of the regional project SoRi is to improve the conditions for ensuring equal social rights for vulnerable groups in selected municipalities in the Western Balkans. Primary state institutions, which are entities obliged to guarantee human rights and social services, but also Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) which provide services are ate the focus of the human rights approach of the project. Their capacitis (both the employees’ individual capacities and the organisational capacities of the institutions) should be strenghtened with this project 450000 MKD 25-09-17 15-07-19
2017 Effects of Stabilization and Association Process instruments on WB6 European Integrations and regional cooperation: what has been achieved so far and ways forward Foundation Open Society Institute and The Federal Republic of Germany To contribute to better and fact based discussion in public discourse on effects of European integration in WB through providing in depth analyses of effect of SAA in, Serbia, Albania and Macedonia and of CEFTA in all member states based on sound, facts based research. 7500 EUR 09-01-17 12-31-18
2017 Joint action for urgent reforms in the judiciary USAID – Foundation Open Society Macedonia The overall goal of the project is strengthening of the transparency, accountability and professionalism of the judiciary. Short-term (specific) objectives: – Strengthening the structured monitoring over the implementation of the Urgent Reform Priorities (URP) in the judiciary; – Promoting the public debate on the implementation of the URP in the judiciary through civil society advocacy. 4530 USD 07-01-17 06-30-18
2017 Promoting sustainable reintegration of the Roma returnees Macedonia Open Society Foundation (OSI) – Think Tank Fund (TTF) – Roma Initiative Office (RIO) The project will focus on the policies and practices affecting the Roma returnees, including their needs and necessities. The problem of the reintegration of the Roma in Macedonia will be researched through local collaborators from five municipalities, which will work with the families who have returned. At the end of the project, the families will have received adequate trainings, which will help their future employment. 61.176.2 USD 01-01-17 12-31-17
2017 Benchmarking for EU reform – how effective? BENCHER European Fund for the Balkans. Explore the effectiveness of the EU benchmarking mechanism for the Western Balkans and contribute to improving the benchmarking mechanism as an impetus for EU related reforms in the Western Balkan countries. 8613 EUR 01-01-17 12-31-17
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration
2016 National EU Debate Civika Mobilitas Contribution to strengthening the culture of informed public debate in the Republic of Macedonia 1991096 MKD 07-01-16 03-31-17
2016 Justice: Governance for growth Monitor – Judgment RCC – Regional Cooperation Council The objective of the project is to contribute to establishing of CSO’s mechanism for monitoring the fulfilment of the indicators from the SEE2020 Strategy in the Governance for Growth pillar. 44000 EUR 07-10-16 12-31-16
2016 Building the next generation of youth leaders Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) To engage a core group of young Macedonian leaders in civic participation and entrepreneurial activity, and increase informed public discourse of key democratic and economic issues. CIPE will partner with the Youth Educational Forum and the European Policy Institute to implement a comprehensive leadership program to build a new generation of young entrepreneurs and civic leaders. CIPE and its partners will support youth fellows to investigate the institutional factors contributing to youth unemployment and exclusion from the policymaking process, and share the findings at a stakeholder roundtable and through new media. 88640 USD 07-01-16 07-01-17
2016 Caring for Carers:Policy analysis od informal care provision in Macedonia and Bosnia and Hercegovina Regional Research Promotion Programme in Western Balkan (RRPP) The project is an upgrade of “(In)equality in social protection: multi-level analysis of intersectionality in social assistance provision – A comparative study”. It focuses on conducting policy analysis of informal, long-term care by zooming in on informal carers. 19998 CHF 06-01-16 11-30-16
2016 Monitoring rule of law in the Western Balkans (MERLIN) European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) The objective of the project is to set up a regional coordinative mechanism for democracy and rule of law mirrored through the implementation of Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights and Chapter 24 – Justice, Freedom and Security in Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. 29960 EUR 01-01-16 12-31-16
2016 Network 23 + IPA Civil Society Facility The specific objective is to contribute towards embedding of rule of law principles, mirrored through Chapter 23, in the Republic of Macedonia through a structured input of the Network 23+. 313506 EUR 01-01-16 12-31-17
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration
2015 WeBER – Western Balkans Enabling Project for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform IPA Multi Country Programme The overall goal is to increase the relevance, participation and capacity of civil society organisations (CSOs) and media in the Western Balkans (WB) to advocate for and influence the design and implementation of public administration reform (PAR) 179874.49 EUR 12-15-15 12-15-18
2015 Combating barriers for exit:Macedonian Roma at the borders Foundation Open society Institute ( FOSI ) This project will examine how the visa liberalisation process as an instrument of Europeanisation has resulted in embedding policies that limit the freedom of movement of the Roma in the case of Macedonia. 77970 USD 12-18-15 12-18-16
2015 Netwok 23:Urgent Reform Priorities Monitor Royal Dutch Embassy The overall objective of the project is to contribute towards the monitoring of and advocacy for the implementation of the Political agreement and the EC Urgent Reform Priorities, through a structured input of Network 23. 17522 EUR 09-15-15 12-31-15
2015 Dialgoues for Vision British Embassy – Skopje Enhancing dialogue on key issues facing Macedonian society, through evidence based policy making. 99385 GBP 05-01-15 03-31-16
2015 Strengthening Consumer Organisations for better Municipal Services in South-East Europe Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH The main objective of the project is to strengthen the capacities of consumer organizations and other bodies on local and national level in Southeast Europe, particularly in the context of European integration. The project will improve protection of consumers interests and will increase mutual trust among users and providers and thus will contribute to improve the quality of the services. 59820 EUR 02-15-15 03-15-16
2015 Enhancing Quality of research, communication and internal organization Open Society Foundation – Think Tank Fund (TTF) Organisational development grant 110277 USD 05-01-15 04-30-17
2015 Implementation of the principle of equitable representation in Macedonia USAID – Foundation Open Society – Macedonia The aim of the project is to assess the current implementation of the principle of equitable representation, as coined by the Ohrid Framework Agreement, into the Macedonian public administration. 38682 USD 01-21-15 01-20-16
2015 Network 23 Royal Dutch Embassy Financial contibution towards the implementation of Network 23 38500 EUR 01-20-15 07-31-15
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration
2014 Performance Audit and Policy Evaluation: On the Same or Parallel Tracks? With Centre for European Policy (CEP) from Belgrade as the lead applicant, EPI, and the Institut Alternativa from Podgorica Regional Research Promotion Programme (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – SDC) The project aims to analyse the relationship of performance audit and policy evaluation, make conclusions on their complementarity and opportunities of using audit findings for strengthening policy evaluation, consequently advancing the quality of the policy making in the countries of the consortium. 28805 CHF 08-01-14 07-31-15
2014 “(In)equality in social protection: multi-level analysis of
intersectionality in social assistance provision – A comparative study”
Regional Research Promotion Programme (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – SDC) Research on intersections of (in)equality in social protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, on and within the symbolic, structural and individual levels 67240 CHF 08-01-14 07-31-15
2014 Network 23 IPA Civil Society Facility Grant to establish a network of CSOs for monitoring, evaluation and advocacy of policies under Chapter 23 of EU accession negotiations – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights 192417 EUR 04-30-14 07-31-15
2014 Evrozoom (co-applicant) Delegation of the EU – IPA Grant for production and broadcasting of 24 TV shows (Evrozoom) on EU accession negotiations 10000 EUR 01-15-14 01-15-15
2014 Analysis on the activist NGO’s in the area of social, labour and human rights issues and their capacity to apply and administer EU funds USAID – Foundation Open Society – Macedonia Small research grant for research on financing of activist NGOs under IPA 2400 USD 01-01-14 06-30-14
2013 Enhancing of parliamentary scrutiny over the use of EU funds in the countries of Western Balkans Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) Contract for producing a Tool-kit on IPA for MPs and parliamentary staff in the Western Balkans countries and training for enhancing the scrutiny role of parliaments on IPA 7150 GBP 08-08-13 03-31-15
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration
2013 EPI Grant Open Society Foundation – Think Tank Fund (TTF) Institutional and core functioning grant for organisational operation of EPI, as well as development of the programme activities of the Institute 95000 USD 04-15-13 04-15-15
2013 Partnership in the use of EU funds in the Republic of Macedonia USAID – Foundation Open Society – Macedonia Small research grant for reseach on the partnership principle between state administration and the NGO sector in the implementation of EU funds in the country 2400 USD 02-01-13 07-31-13
2013 Embedding EU Expertise British Embassy – Skopje Project for establishing of an informal pool of excellence composed of young Macedonian experts who obtained their postgraduate/doctoral degrees in EU policies and the acquis abroad 17000 GBP 02-01-13 04-30-13
2013 IPADATA Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) Grant for establishment of a structured and independent mechanisms covering all relevant available data and processes on the implementation of IPA in the Republic of Macedonia 21000 USD 01-20-13 01-14-14
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration
2012 The Administration in the mirror of the European assessment framework Slovak Balkan Public Policy Fund (Pontis programme) Research grant on the implementation of the Common Assessment Framework in the public administration in the Republic of Macedonia, using Slovak best practices. 4444 EUR 02-29-12 06-30-12
2012 Enhancing of parliamentary scrutiny over the use of EU funds in the Republic of Macedonia European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) Grant within the regional Think and Link 2012 programme for research on the mechanism for enhancing the parliamentary control over the use of EU funds in the country 15000 ЕУР 05-01-13 03-15-13
2012 Monitoring of the use of EU funds in the Republic of Macedonia Friedrich Ebert Stiftungs – Skopje (FES) Research project on the use of EU funds in the Republic of Macedonia, as a basis for a public hearing in the National Council for Euro-integration; publication and promotion of a collection of studies on IPA. 16184 EUR 04-01-12 11-30-13
Year Project Title Source of funding Description Amount Currency Duration
2011 Support to the improvement of the implementation of mediation in the Republic of Macedonia Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – Skopje (MATRA programme) Technical assistance project to the Ministry of Justice to improve the implementation of mediation in civil and commercial disputes in the Republic of Macedonia, with an objective to create normative and institutional environment for sustainability of the mediation in the country. 5663490 MKD 12-07-11 07-07-13
2011 EPI Grant Open Society Foundation – Think Tank Fund (TTF) Institutional and core functioning grant for organisational operation of EPI, as well as development of the programme activities of the Institute. 40000 USD 11-01-11 10-31-12
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